Five 'Natural' New Year Resolutions for 2023 - Absolute Aromas

Five ‘Natural’ New Year Resolutions for 2023

New Year Resolutions for 2023

While any time of the year is great to make positive changes, the New Year is special! The start of a new year brings with it fresh energy and a renewed hope of possibilities. It hence, is a great time to revisit things that we keep putting off and turn them into resolutions.

One of the most important lifestyle changes to make, given the times we live in, is to simplify and live more in alignment with nature. There is plenty in the ways we currently live that is not good for our health. However, resisting the dominant culture is not always easy.

Living a sustainable, green, and environment-friendly lifestyle is a lot more challenging than one would think. However, it is something that both our body and the environment deserve.

Here are our top five recommendations for starting 2023 all ‘natural’.

1. Explore ‘natural’ beauty and health

There is an increasing focus on use of natural and organic ingredients that can help lead to radiant, soft, and luminous skin and hair.

More and more people across the world are bidding adieu to harsh chemicals in a lot of traditional hair and skincare products. Instead, using the right natural products suited to your skin and hair types can help to protect and boost appearance, through proper hydration and nourishment.

Argan oil, for instance, can be a great addition to our skin and hair-care routine. This oil is rich in proteins which enables it to strengthen protein bonding structures. This means it can help to improve skin elasticity. It also regulates sebum production of the skin in a way that it increases sebum production for dry skin and reduces it for oily skin. This makes Argan oil suitable for both dry and oil skin types.

Argan oil can also be used to get frizz-free, smooth, and soft hair. Add 4-5 drops of Argan oil to your conditioner and leave it in for 5 minutes. Enjoy soft and silky hair that is deeply moisturised and nourished!

2. Learn to be in the moment

The world we live in today is full of distractions. Social media, technology, the news – they all demand our attention. The result is that we have become increasingly disconnected with ourselves. When this happens, it is easy to fall prey to stress and anxiety.

Learning or re-learning to be in the moment is perhaps the single-most critical skill to hone in today’s world.

The best way to regain the connection with oneself and be in the moment is to engage in mindfulness and meditation activities. Essential oils can be a most wonderful companion in this journey as they can help our sense of smell connect with the present moment. The right aromas can take the experience to another level and induce feelings of wellbeing, calmness, and deep relaxation.

Essential oils such as Frankincense, Vetiver, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage are particularly effective for meditation and mindfulness activities. You can also incorporate music and breathing exercises into the mix for an even more enhanced experience.

3. Add essential oils to your bathroom cabinet

Amongst the conventional medicines and products we keep in our bathroom cabinet to help us with a range of ailments, there is also space for some alternative solutions to help keep us covered for a range of problems. Essential oils can offer a great natural solution, from soothing skin irritations, to cleansing breakouts and clearing stuffy noses.

Adding essential oils such as Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Peppermint, and Tea Tree oil to your medicine cabinet will ensure you are covered for a host of troubles. Each of these essential oils is versatile and has multiple uses.

4. Increase your activity levels

Perhaps the most common New Year’s resolutions are made towards fitness. This usually includes promises of being regular at the gym or joining yoga lessons or a sport of one’s choice. While these are great practices and intentions, research shows that resolutions made in the wake of the New Year are seldom maintained. This can also cause us to feel under pressure, and disappointed if we slip out of these resolutions, and it’s important to be kind to ourselves.

Instead, why not take it slowly, and focus on simply increasing your daily levels of activity. Research shows that incremental increases in everyday activity levels have a huge positive impact on overall health and energy levels.

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, ensuring some time outside in the sun and fresh air, walking to places as opposed to using a vehicle are all great ways of increasing our activity levels and reaping immense health benefits – both physical and mental.

5. Practice good ‘Sleep hygiene’

Practicing good sleep hygiene is one of the best things we can do to set ourselves up for a good night’s sleep. Sleep hygiene means having both a bedroom environment and daily routines that promotes consistent and quality sleep.

Some of our favorite sleep hygiene tips include, having a consistent night-time routine and bedtime where possible, avoiding using your phone and electronics before bed, and ensuring your bedrooms is comfortable and feels relaxing.

Aromatherapy can be a great addition to your night-time routine. Why not try incorporating an aromatherapy bath before bed, or keep it super simple with just a few spritzes of a Goodnight Room spray over your sheets before you get into bed. Not only is this a great addition to your routine itself, but the natural properties of essential oils can also help to support sleep itself.