Self Care at Home this Winter with the Absolute Aromas Family - Absolute Aromas

Self Care at Home this Winter with the Absolute Aromas Family

Kay's Self Care Favorites

Sometimes over the colder months, it’s easy to let self-care slide.  There seem to be so many distractions, gifts to buy, decorations to put up and festive food to make!  But sometimes it’s lovely just to take half an hour out of the mayhem to look after yourself -trust me you’ll feel so much better for it.  Sometimes as well as the physical bonuses of looking after ourselves, self-care can give us a moment to reset and recalibrate when things get hectic.

David Tomlinson and his wife Kay set up Absolute Aromas nearly 30 years ago with a mission to source and produce exceptional quality, ethically and sustainably sourced Essential Oils.  Kay has been designing, making and using Absolute Aromas products since the early 1990s and here are some of her all-time favourite products to use, particularly at this busy time of year.

Romance Massage Oil

Use this glorious oil blend as an all-over body moisturiser after a shower – if your skin is still damp the oil spreads so easily and will also trap in moisture, so there’s no need to use much making this a very cost effective product to have at home.  The oil leaves a lovely Rose fragrance that gives a brilliant feel-good factor and a calming aroma that will leave you feeling pampered, and will linger after use.   The massage oil is so versatile too as you can use it to deeply condition the hair and scalp – just massage a tablespoon into the scalp & hair to nourish…  Aim to leave in the hair for at least half an hour, then wash out thoroughly with a mild shampoo. The Romance blend of Essential Oils is a balancing blend which helps to relax and calm the mind, boost confidence, and energise.  It contains notes of Patchouli, Jasmine, Sweet Orange, Ylang Ylang for a really nourishing treat.Ideas for Winter Self-Care

Lavender Aroma-Roll

Lavender Aroma-Roll is great for deep relaxation after busy day.  It’s a mix of Lavender Essential Oil diluted in Jojoba oil so it’s ready diluted and can be popped straight on to your skin.  It’s such a great product to be kept in a handbag for a quick inhalation when you need to be soothed.  Similarly, our Breatheasy Inhaler is ready to use in its handy little tube and is a great aid to help you clear your thoughts and help you cleanse those airways when you’re suffering from those unavoidable winter chills.  Breatheasy contains a clearing and soothing notes of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Tea Tree.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Kay always travels with a 10ml bottle of Tea Tree Essential Oil, and Christmas time is no exception.  She is frequently off visiting family and friends, meeting suppliers and customers both in the UK and abroad and she never goes anywhere without this little bottle.  A couple of drops added to 10ml base cream/oil and you have a deodorant that soothes your skin, especially useful after waxing or shaving!  Also useful at home, Tea tree is also a really quick and simple way to refresh your toilet  – just pop a couple of drops in there and when flushed, a lovely fresh aroma will be released – ideal if sharing your home with guests this festive season. Eucalyptus or Lemon Essential Oils are equally as freshening in your bathroom too, so try some little mixes of fragrances if you like!

A favourite fragrance that Kay uses a lot is our brand new Soothe Essential Blend…  Although it’s new to customers, like all of our products, Soothe Essential Blend has been tested and used by Kay and her family for a long time before it was released to customers so its formulation is absolutely spot on – ensuring you end up with a product that is genuinely tried, tested and loved!  Soothe’s key ingredient that gives it a distinct aroma is Petigrain which is a key Essential Oil in traditional cologne.  Kay says “The scent of Petitgrain takes me back to my time in Spain where all my kids used to have their hair splashed with cologne!”  We absolutely love how scent can have such powerful memory inducing powers.  The Soothe blend is also available blended into Epsom bath salts, and will be available as other product types too so watch this space and keep an eye on all of our social media platforms for new product releases next year!

Winter Self-Care Ideas A true family business, Kay and David’s parents helped them out with bottling in the early days and all three of their children have worked in the company for long periods during school and university holidays, making it a true “family” company.  In addition to that, many of the Absolute Aromas team have been with the company for many years and all have their favourite go-to products.  After an office vote, one of the top products our staff love year on year is the Breatheasy Essential Blend, a clearing and soothing synergy, blended by our expert aromatherapists to help you clear and soothe stuffy noses, heavy heads and winter chills.  We love this blend diffused into a bedroom at night for anyone suffering with those tiresome stuffy Winter symptoms… It should also help you feel calm and relaxed too hopefully!  Breatheasy is available as an Essnetial Blend, in a ready-to-use inhaler, as an Aroma-Roll or a Natural Room Spray.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this blog – we have loved writing it as it’s given us lots more ideas of how to use our products, we are definitely going to try out Kay’s tip of using massage oil as a moisturiser and perfume in one after a bath or shower!  Keep an eye on our social media pages for those upcoming new products and lots more usage ideas in the coming months…